Tuesday, March 30, 2010

(Almost) relaxed...

This Wishful Thinking hat that I'm working on is not my first attempt at colorwork ... hang on, wait, yes, it is. It took me a day or two to remember all the tricks I've read about how to handle the yarn when working with multiple strands of yarn, but once I did, knitting started to go SO much faster.

And then Saturday came around. Saturday was my 21st birthday. 21st birthdays are expected to be full of debauched fun. Mine ended with me passing out around 11-11:30 p.m. on my uncle's couch because I didn't eat lunch and drank two glasses of wine and two margaritas BEFORE dinner even started, plus another margarita with dinner. (Honestly, I barely remember dinner.)

I didn't get back to my apartment until 6 p.m. the next day, since I stuck around my uncle's for shopping and an early dinner, and then my roommates and I celebrated my birthday.

Needless to say, I did NOT get much any knitting done this weekend. However, I did re-learn the value of fun and entertaining yourself, for which I am so grateful. I had been spending weekends sitting on the couch, watching TV, and worrying constantly.

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